Peculiarities of the classification of economically valuable indicators of highbush blueberry varieties of Vaccinium corymbosum L.
morphological features, suitability indicators, homogeneity of signs, pomological signsAbstract
Purpose. To substantiate the features of the classification of morphobiological and economically valuable indicators of highbush blueberry varieties of Vaccinium corymbosum L.
Methods. The studies were carried out during 2012–2019. Research methods: field (visual examination of the manifestation of morphological signs of vegetative and generative organs of blueberry plants), laboratory (determination of the content of vitamin C, total sugar, pectin, carotenes, anthocyanins, flavonoids, total acidity in berries), analytical, comparative, statistical (cluster analysis).
Results. Over the years of research, varieties of highbush blueberries were characterized by a stable manifestation of homogeneous morphological traits and economically valuable performance indicators. In particular, the studied varieties are classified according to ripeness groups: very early: ‘Fiolent’; early: ‘Draper’, ‘Huron’, ‘Clockwork’, ‘Cargo’, ‘Laska’; medium: ‘Blue Ribbon’, ‘Top shelf’, ‘ZF08-070’, ‘Mavka’; late: ‘Liberti’, ‘Last Call’ and very late: ‘Aurora’, ‘Overtime’. It was determined that the quantitative morphological traits of highbush blueberry varieties that influenced the formation of plant productivity include such traits as growth vigor, leaf length, leaf width, inflorescences lengthwise, bunch density, fruit size. Economically valuable indicators of suitability of highbush blueberry varieties remained stable within the ripeness group. The highest yield (19.5 t/ha) was provided by the mid-season variety ‘Mavka’ of domestic selection. The yield of berries from the bush of this variety was also high and amounted to 7 kg. The studied performance indicators were low in the variety ‘Blue Ribbon’ – 10.2 t/ha and 2.4 kg, respectively. The minimum and maximum values of the manifestation of characteristics will serve to establish the limiting boundaries of its variation in the next modeling of economically valuable indicators of highbush blueberry varieties.
Conclusions. Such morphobiological characteristics of highbush blueberry varieties, as plant growth vigor, leaf length, leaf width, inflorescences lengthwise, bunch density, fruit size are closely related to plant productivity, berry yield per bush, berry weight and yield. Therefore, they can be involved in the development and improvement of the model of suitability indicators of highbush blueberries for distribution in Ukraine.
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