Selection value of nonpubescent soybean lines [Glycine max (L.) Merrill] for different uses




genetic resources, varieties, pubescence, seeds, green mass, quality, fat, protein


Purpose. Create a new source material of soybeans without pubescence, determine its selection value for the efficient use of processed products in animal nutrition, which will ensure high productivity of the latter. Quantitative and qualitative indicators of seeds are important economic and valuable features. The lack of pubescence on plants is unique.

Methods. Field, special, laboratory and mathematical-statistical.

Results. The minimum fat content of 20.88% was observed in the seeds of the non-pubescent variety ‘Kobra’, 23.73% in the line No 305, and 25.02% in the line No 22. The varieties ‘Diamant’ and ‘Antratsyt’ had a high fat content – 24.08–25.83%. The protein content in the green mass of promising lines was very low – up to 16%. The fat content was in the range of 2.1–5.3% with the maximum value in the lines No 3 and No 7 – 4.67–5.26%. The protein content in ‘Anakonda’ seeds and No 1 and No 9 lines was 36–37%, in standard varieties – at the level of 29.5–35.63%. A comparison of new non-pubescent lines with standard varieties and the most productive varieties ‘Diamant’ and ‘Adamos’, which are included in the Register of Plant Varieties of Ukraine and meet the requirements for efficient use in fodder production.

Conclusions. Lack of pubescence in soybean plants is an extremely rare and atypical phenomenon. There are no such varieties in the state register of plant varieties of Ukraine. More than 50 non-pubescent lines exceed the indicators of economic suitability of national standards and modern varieties. Lines No 4, No 5, No 7, No 8, which had more than 15% protein in the green mass, should be involved in the selection process to create fodder varieties. The ‘Anakonda’ line has a nutritional value with a minimum content of linolenic acid in the oil (6.08%). Increased oleic acid content was observed in varieties ‘Adamos’ (35.01%), ‘Diamant’ (33.53%), ‘Ametyst’ (31.39%).


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Author Biographies

Л. Г. Білявська, Poltava State Agrarian Academy

Biliavska, L. H.

Ю. В. Білявський, Poltava State Agrarian Academy

Biliavskyi, Yu. V.

А. О. Діянова, Poltava State Agrarian Academy

Diianova, A. O.

Ю. Є. Гарбузов, Poltava State Agrarian Academy

Harbuzov, Yu. Ye.


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How to Cite

Білявська, Л. Г., Білявський, Ю. В., Діянова, А. О., & Гарбузов, Ю. Є. (2020). Selection value of nonpubescent soybean lines [Glycine max (L.) Merrill] for different uses. Plant Varieties Studying and Protection, 16(3), 284–290.

