Influence of growth regulator Bioglobin on yield and quality of commercial parsnip products in the conditions of Western Forest-Steppe of Ukraine
variety, productivity, Pastinaca sativa L., Bioglobin, marketability, biochemical parametersAbstract
Purpose. To reveal features of formation of productivity and quality of commercial products of parsnip (Pastinaca sativa L.) depending on ways of application of growth regulator Bioglobin in the conditions of the Western Forest-Steppe of Ukraine.
Methods. Field, laboratory, analytical and statistical.
Results. With the introduction of the growth regulator Bioglobin, the mass of a parsnip root increased from 207 to 249 g (control – 196 g). A large mass of roots – 244 and 249 g – was observed when processing seeds with Bioglobin (0.5 l/ha) + foliar fertilization in two stages and seed treatment with Bioglobin (0.5 l/ha) + foliar fertilization in three stages, which is higher than control (without treatment) for 48 and 53 g, or 20.4 and 27.0%, respectively. High yields of roots of parsnip cultivar ‘Stymul’ were obtained in 6 and 8 variants of the experiment – 53.5 and 54.7 t/ha, yield increase was 10.3 and 11.4 t/ha, or 23.8 and 26.4% in accordance. There is a strong relationship (r = 0.98 and 0.99) between yield and weight of parsnip root. Qualitative indicators of root crops (dry matter, amount of sugars and vitamin C) improved with increasing number of treatments with growth regulator Bioglobin. There is a tendency to decrease the concentration of nitrates in roots with increasing number of treatments with growth regulator. In general, the content of nitrate nitrogen in the roots in all variants of the experiment did not exceed the threshold limit value (TLV) (400 mg/kg of raw weight).
Conclusions. An increase in the number of treatments for parsnip seeds and foliar application of the growth regulator Bioglobin ensured an increase in the mass of root crops, an increase in their yield, marketability and an improvement in the quality of commercial products. The highest yield – 54.7 t/ha of marketable root crops of parsnip variety ‘Stymul’ was obtained when processing seeds with Bioglobin (0.5 l/ha) + foliar feeding in three stages.
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