Breeding value of non-shooting forms of winter garlic in the conditions of the Right Bank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine
reduced scape, coefficient of ecological variation, coefficient of genetic variation, stability, bulb weight, yieldAbstract
Purpose. To investigate the degree of reduced scape of softneck collection specimens of winter garlic of different ecological and geographical origin in the conditions of the Right Bank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine. Methods. During 2020–2022, nine local and introduced varieties of winter garlic (Nos. 19, 27, 33, 43 and 44 from Cherkasy) were studied in field conditions (Uman, 48°46’N, 30°14’E) region, No. 14 from Ternopil region, No. 1 from Spain, No. 16 from France and No. 35 from Azerbaijan). Generally accepted methods of genetico-statistical analysis were used to evaluate the garlic collection. Results. The research revealed that the weight of the bulb decreased by 7.6–31.1%, depending on the sample, and the yield by 6.1–38.6% during the formation of a reduced scape. Among the collection samples, according to the “bulb weight” indicator, Nos. 16 and 44 stood out – 57.22 and 52.24 g, respectively, of the sample. Adaptable for this feature were samples Nos. 16, 19 and 44; intensive – Nos. 16, 27, 33 and 44, and stable samples were Nos. 14, 19, 35 and 43. A significant relationship between the coefficient of genetic and environmental variation (CVG/CVA) for the traits “bulb weight” and “yield” was revealed. However, CVG/CVA ratio ≥ 1 is required to obtain high performance. Samples were selected as the initial material for further breeding based on the “yield” feature: according to adaptability and ecological plasticity – Nos. 16 and 44; according to stability – Nos. 19, 35 and 43 and samples of the intensive type – 16, 27, 33 and 44, which will ensure high yields in optimal cultivation conditions. All studied samples that formed air bulbs were characterized by a very large 1000 bulb weight, on average 1156.76 g. The maximum of 1000 bulb weight was characteristic for samples No. 16 and 27 – 1225.73 and 1638.0 g, respectively. Conclusions. The data obtained in the Right Bank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine will be used to develop a breeding research scheme under the conditions of introduction. As a result of the research, a working collection of raw material was created for the breeding of garlic by the classical method – clonal breeding.
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