Comprehensive evaluation of morphological and economically valuable traits of common buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum Moench) varieties
identification, suitability indicators, sign, breeding, phenotype, grain, phenological phases, productivity, qualityAbstract
Purpose. To carry out a comprehensive evaluation of the morphological and economically valuable characteristics of common buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum Moench) varieties.
Methods. Common buckwheat varieties of the State University of Agriculture and Engineering in Podillia were studied. The analysis of their quantitative, qualitative and pseudo-qualitative characteristics and economically valuable traits was carried out in accordance with “Methods of examination of plant varieties of the group of cereals, grains and legumes for suitability for distribution in Ukraine” and “Methodology of examination of varieties of common buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum Moench) for distinctness, uniformity and stability. Methodology for the examination of plant varieties of the legume and cereal groups for distinctness, uniformity and stability”. Field trials were carried out in 2021–2022 on the experimental field of the Scientific Research Center “Podillia” of the State University of Agriculture and Engineering in Podillia. Research methods: field, laboratory, statistical and analytical. In order to identify plant varieties, a morphological description of their vegetative and generative organs was carried out (method of visual assessment of phenotype).
Results. Common buckwheat varieties of domestic breeding were identified by morphological characteristics. For the field inspection of its seed crops, the morphological code formula of the variety was established and published in the official publication.
Conclusions. Obtaining valuable, highly productive biotypes, as well as competitive varieties recommended for production and used in breeding practice, which replenish the fund of national plant resources, is possible thanks to their comprehensive evaluation at all stages of the breeding process. The table for the identification of candidate varieties of common buckwheat has been improved in the part of the list of morphological characteristics, the developed code formulas of which have practical application in the field inspection of seed crops.
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