Geneedited plants: achievements and prospects (review)
gene editing, transcription factors, mutagenesis, temperature stressAbstract
Purpose.To analyze the current state of agricultural crop improvement using gene editing technologies. Results. The current state of plant breeding using gene editing technologies is analyzed. To date, genome editing has been applied to a wide range of crops, including wheat, barley, maize, legumes, soybean, rapeseed, tomato, chicory, various vegetable crops, fruit trees, forest trees and algae. The practical application of these technologies is illustrated by the example of genes associated with ensuring tolerance to high and low temperatures. Examples of commercialized geneedited plants are given. Conclusions. By contributing to increased yields, improved resistance to diseases and pests, and biofortification of food crops, gene editing technology undoubtedly has great prospects and is definitely already the technology for creating improved varieties of agricultural crops.
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