Grouping of sea buckthorn varieties using hierarchical agglomerative cluster analysis




Hippoрhae rhamnoides L., statistical analysis, classification, variety, code, difference, cluster, feature


Purpose. To determine the manifestation of a complex of sea buckthorn (Hipporhae rhamnoides L.) varieties characteristics using cluster analysis for grouping of identifying morphological, qualitative and quantitative economic and valuable characteristics during the test of difference. Methods. Analytical (analysis of the variety database), comparative evaluation of morphological and economically valuable characteristics, mathematical, statistical [using the SPSS package (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences)] Data Mining tools. Results. The frequency analysis of morphological characters of the collection of H. rhamnoides varieties was carried out. The latter were grouped by means of hierarchical agglomerative cluster analysis using variables such as plant life form, branch position and number of shoot spines. Six clusters were identified from the results. The best sea buckthorn varieties in terms of economic value were also identified in terms of maturity groups. Conclusions. The use of cluster analysis to group known varieties of the sea buckthorn collection by morphological and economic characteristics allows to quickly and accurately establish the code of the characteristics (QL – qualitative, QN – quantitative, PQ – pseudo-qualitative) and their difference. According to the results of the comparison, the highest yields were found in the variety ‘Orange Revolution’; vitamin C content – ‘Dora’, carotene – ‘Morkviana’, vitamin P – ‘Tatiana’, ‘Lasunka’, ‘Eva’ and ‘Marija Bruvele’.


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How to Cite

Matus, V. M., Orlenko, N. S., Orlenko, O. B., Pavliuk, N. V., & Mazhuha, K. M. (2024). Grouping of sea buckthorn varieties using hierarchical agglomerative cluster analysis. Plant Varieties Studying and Protection, 20(4), 202–210.

