Formation of additive biocoenotical links in phytocoenoses of winter triticale in Forest-Steppe and Polissya Forest-Steppe ecotopes
winter triticale, variety, microbial agents, additive biocoenotic links, productivityAbstract
Purpose. Determining peculiarities of additive biocoenotical links formation in winter triticale phytocoenoses in Forest-Steppe and Polissya Forest-Steppe ecotopes. Methods. Field and laboratory studies and mathematico-statistical analysis. Results. The authors studied the sensitivity of winter triticale genotypes including AD 256, Slavetne, Slavetne polipshene, Pshenychne, Chaian, Yaguar, Avgusto, DAU 5 and Vivate Nosivske to the effect of such microbial agents as albobacterin and diazobacterin in Forest-Steppe and Polissya Forest-Steppe ecotopes. It was established that introduction of agronomically useful microbiota into winter triticale phytocoenoses ensure formation of additive biocoenotic links which effectiveness determines the level of cereal crops production. Conclusions. To ensure optimal target parameters of grain yield in Forest-Steppe and Polissya Forest-Steppe ecotopes, it is advisable to carry out pre-sowing seed inoculation for winter triticale with effective strains of microbial agents – Azospіrіllum brasilense of diazobacterin and Achromobacter album 1122 of albobacterin.
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