Influence of seeding time and depth on the photosynthetic productivity of sweet sorghum (Sorghum saccharatum (L.) Pers.) plantings
seeds, sweet sorghum, variety, seeding terms, seed placement depth, productivity of photosynthesisAbstract
There are the results of study aimed at determining influence of seeding time and depth on the photosynthetic productivity of sweet sorghum plantings of Sylosne 42 variety in the central part of the Forest-Steppe of Ukraine. In particular, data regarding leaf assimilating area, photosynthetic potential, net productivity of photosynthesis as well as results of two-way analysis of variance are shown. It was found that in case of sweet sorghum seeding in the second ten-day period of May (the third seeding term) to the depth of 4–6 cm plants were developing better. Under these conditions, the maximum values of photosynthetic productivity compared to other study variants were obtained. For that reason, the third seeding term and seed placement depth of 4–6 cm are recommended for growing this crop in the above area.Downloads
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