Yield and adaptive potential of modern varieties of soft winter wheat in the Northern Steppe conditions
winter wheat, variety, special features for growing, yield, adaptivity, weather conditionsAbstract
Results obtained during the study of special features of cultivation and productivity of soft winter wheat varieties that differ by origin in the Steppe zone in Ukraine are presented. Relevance of the executed work was determined by ambiguous assessment and selection of available soft winter wheat variety assortment that is used in Steppe zone farms. Findings allow to find out and expose to a greater extent unused reserves for increasing the croppage level. It was found in the process of the study that now according to comprehensive assessment the best varieties of a soft winter wheat for corn growers in the steppe zone are Smuhlianka, Epokha odes`ka, Kiriia, Zolotokolosa, Blahodarka odes`ka, Bohdana, Lyst 25, Rozkishna.Downloads
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