Identification of field pea gene bank samples by component characteristics in relation to the breeding of plant varieties of various directions of economical use


  • В. В. Чернуський Institute of agriculture Polissya, National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine, Ukraine



samples identification, petal gene bank samples, economical targets, electronic board, 3D configuration of a characteristic variation series


Assumption is made that identification of valuable genotypes is possible in specific stability points of phase-parametric systems, that is, when the effect of dynamism acquires gradient and discrete anisotropic composition by way of converting the phenotype variability in the temporal and parametric and characteristic specific vector-spaced system. Devices have been suggested (electronic board for the characteristics spectral expression, 3D configuration of a characteristic variation series) for displaying the location sample parametric pool in the general statistic range of quantitative characteristics. A characteristic has been detected (number of seeds in a pod) that carry the traits inherent in pseudo-qualitative and oligogenic characteristic. According to findings of the study, characteristics are identified that conform to various directions of economical use


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Author Biography

В. В. Чернуський, Institute of agriculture Polissya, National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine

V.V. Chernuskiy
candidate of agricultural sciences


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How to Cite

Чернуський, В. В. (2014). Identification of field pea gene bank samples by component characteristics in relation to the breeding of plant varieties of various directions of economical use. Plant Varieties Studying and Protection, (2(23), 23–29.

