Peculiarities of developing national varietal resources of Lupin (Lupinus L.): state and prospects


  • М. А. Броновицька Ukrainian Institute for Plant Variety Examination, Ukraine



lupin varieties, Program, lupin varieties examination, Guidelines, satandard, field examination, lupin uses


Peculiarities of developing national varietal resources of Lupin (Lupinus L.) in Ukraine have been explained. Market monitoring for annual lupin species have been completed. Peculiarities for the conduct of lupin plant varieties examination on establishing their suitability for dissemination compliance with the criteria of distinctness, uniformity and stability according to the guidelines in force. The conditions for developing the Program of Field Trials of Plant Varieties Qualifying Examination are displayed. Species specific and quantitative composition of fodder crops detailed as included into the Program. Essential soil and climatic cultivation areas proposed. Lupin uses outlined, as well as its application in various branches of national economy and value for establishing strong fodder backgrpund for cattle breeding. Prospective options of using lupin crop are spotted in connection with new plant varieties created, which seed by technological properties could be used for the purpose of preparing dietary foodstuff


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Author Biography

М. А. Броновицька, Ukrainian Institute for Plant Variety Examination

M.A. Bronovytska


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How to Cite

Броновицька, М. А. (2014). Peculiarities of developing national varietal resources of Lupin (Lupinus L.): state and prospects. Plant Varieties Studying and Protection, (2(23), 30–35.

