Scientific rationale for cos lettuce growing technology Lactuca sativa var. longifolia L. in the Forest-Steppe of Ukraine


  • Н. В. Лещук Ukrainian Institute for Plant Variety Examination, Ukraine
  • В. В. Хареба National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Ukraine
  • О. В. Позняк Institute of vegetable and melon production, National Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Ukraine
  • О. В. Свинарчук Ukrainian Institute for Plant Variety Examination, Ukraine



cos lettuce, growing techniques, phrenology phases, growth and development, biometry, yield, eco-gradient, sowing, maturity group, quality, lactucin, regeneration, storing


Scientifically validated items of growing technology disclosed for cos lettuce marketable products in the conditions of Forest-Steppe of Ukraine. Impact of environmental factors onto growth and development of Lactuca sativa var. longifolia L. plants. Sowing terms established for the seed of cos lettuce at field-seeded growing. Development parameters are quoted for plant productivity indices and marketable product indices for cos lettuce of national and foreign breeding. According to VCU characteristics a  typical model has been designed for the cos lettuce indices of suitability for dissemination in Ukraine.


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Author Biographies

Н. В. Лещук, Ukrainian Institute for Plant Variety Examination

N.V. Leschuk
candidate of agricultural sciences

В. В. Хареба, National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine

V.V. Khareba
doctor of agricultural sciences, professor, Corresponding Member of National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine

О. В. Позняк, Institute of vegetable and melon production, National Academy of Agricultural Sciences

О.V. Poznyak

О. В. Свинарчук, Ukrainian Institute for Plant Variety Examination

O.V. Svynarchuk


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How to Cite

Лещук, Н. В., Хареба, В. В., Позняк, О. В., & Свинарчук, О. В. (2014). Scientific rationale for cos lettuce growing technology Lactuca sativa var. longifolia L. in the Forest-Steppe of Ukraine. Plant Varieties Studying and Protection, (2(23), 45–50.

