Agroecological features of the new varieties soft winter wheat Yuvivata 60
soft winter wheat, a new variety, agroecological features by economically valuable indicatorsAbstract
The main factor, and cost-effective rapid increase in yield of all crops and raising its quality is an innovative process for the creation and introduction of new varieties. Overall condition of use in the production of new varieties is very unsatisfactory. For this year the country loses more than 1.5 mln. tonnes of grains of winter cereals. Currently, the requirements for soft winter wheat, as a factor of sustainable productivity, increase. Despite the obvious advances in breeding wheat varieties as genetic yield potential of more than 10 t/ha, the actual implementation of it is around 50 %. Therefore remains an urgent problem of developing varieties with high potential and implementation of evidence-based their growth. Thus, the genetic yield potential genotype implemented with a balanced exposure of a number of factors. The purpose of research – create a soft winter wheat variety with well-defined ecological and adaptive properties and high quantitative and qualitative indicators of grain yield, varieties show ability to withstand adverse abiotic, biotic and anthropogenic factors of the environment for future breeding. Stated agroecological characteristics of variety soft winter wheat Yuvivata 60 by economically valuable indicators. Performed a detailed description of the new variety wheat based on morphological and biological characteristics. Showing environmental features Yuvivata 60 (in terms of genotypic effect and degree of plasticity) under different conditions ecotops of Ukraine. For agricultural producers proposed of adaptive variety soft winter wheat Yuvivata 60, that will provide guaranteed high quality and grain yield.Downloads
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