Assessment of new self-fertile breeding samples of lucerne (Medicago sativa L.)
lucerne, self-fertile, seed yield of lucerne, herbage of lucerne, dry matter contentAbstract
Yield of modern varieties of valuable fodder crop lucerne is quite low - 0.2 - 0.3 t / ha. The reason - lack of cross-pollination due to the lack of insect pollinators. Under these conditions, the highest seed production plants are prone to selfpollinate. The results of the study of 26 new selffertile samples of alfalfa own selection. It was shown that 15 samples for seed yield higher than standard - grade Jaroslavna. The herbage yield of only four samples was lower than in the standard. The dry matter content of all samples was high - 22,1-25,5 %. The results obtained are allowed to select in hotbed of pre-strain testing samples with high levels of self-fertility, seed yield 0,24-0,29 t/ha, herbage for three mowing - 63,2-67,7 t/ha, high dry matters content, which will be used in future breeding processDownloads
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