Comparative estimation to a biotic factors of adaptation potential of red currants genotypes during vegetation period
red currant, genotypes, heat resistance, leaves, water regimeAbstract
The article presents the results of the laboratory investigation of the influence of high temperatures on water regime of red currant in Institute of Fruit Selection. It shows the dependence of water loss by leaves on the phenophase of plant development. High water loss by leaves occurs during the phase of ripening berries (July). Low water loss is noted during the active growth of shoots (June). Red currant genotypes: «Valentinovka», «Bayna» have a high percent of water loss in June and July. Genotypes «Shedraya», «Gollandskay krasnay», «Orlovchanka», «Dar Orla», «Selyanochka», «Osipovskay», «Belka» and «Jonker van Tets» have a low percent of loss water. The loss of water at the temperature shock is the important protective mechanism from over heat and death of plants. The results of the investigation of a degree of water restoration by red currant leaves in the periods of berry ripening and active growth of shoots are given. The most part of genotypes of red currant leaves have a high percent (>50%) of water restoration. Genotypes «Selyanochka» ,«Orlovchanka», «Dana», «Shedraya», «Belka» have a more 100% of water restoration. On the ground of the obtained results the following genotypes: «Belka», «Selyanochka», «Gollandskay krasnay», «Shedraya», «Orlovchanka», «Dar Orla», «Osipovskay» and «Jonker van Tets» are mostly heat resistant.Downloads
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