Developing collection of winter wheat (Triticum saestivum L.) varieties of example characteristics when conducting DUS-test
winter wheat, research, collections development, variety, examination, distinctness, uniformity, stability, example, state of expressionAbstract
The article offers summary of the studies of variety collections development for soft winter wheat varieties of example characteristics. This establishes that these varieties create an important and indispensible condition for recognizing, describing and identifying the varieties in the course of due diligence DUS qualifying examination and for resolving the issue of extending legal protection for plant varieties. For the purpose of extending plant variety collection with example characteristics the studies shall have ongoing constant nature thus contributing to the collections with new morphological characteristics of newly registered or common knowledge varieties that could be carriers of certain characteristics expression as long as these are no included into the Institute database. This will enable scientists, experts and specialists of plant variety examination facilities and breeders to conduct examination and provide them with auxiliary working material for determination of the state of expression of morphological characteristics when describing and identifying plant varieties and apply in the wild characteristics ad properties which are correlated with VCU parameters.Downloads
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