Sources of resistance to neck rot of onion under the conditions (Allium cepa L.) of Chernigiv region
onion, variety, hybrid, resistance, pathogen, neck rotAbstract
Collection samples of the onion of varying ecological and geographical origin have been scrutinized under the conditions of Chernigiv region to establish their susceptibility to Botrytis allii Munn pathogen. It is noted that the disease develops, first of all, on samples with dry leafs colored white, and established that enhanced resistance to the pathogen is inherent in forms of anthocyanin or red coloration or dry and damp skins (Rubin, Amfora, Veselka, Mavka, Braushverska Chervona, Venta F1, Tango F1, Golubka). Sources of resistance to neck rot are indicated (Olina, Texas Curli, Violetta, Red Baron F1), which have not been damaged by the pathogen at all through the three years of study. The use of parental pars quality of such samples will enable to produce prospective breeding material at hybridization.Downloads
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