Characteristics of vegetable bean varieties depending on the plant nutrition area
vegetable bean, variety, row width, density of planting, seed weightAbstract
Purpose. Studying the norm of reaction of vegetable bean varieties depending on the feeding area, namely the row width. Methods. Field, biometriс, statistical, laboratory ones. Results. ‘Karadag’ (k), ‘Windsorski’, ‘Bartoli’ and ‘Karestino’ varieties were trialed during 2012–2014. In the course of trial the peculiarities were studied concerning the formation of plant height, the number of beans and seed weight of vegetable bean varieties depending on the row width in the phase of technical maturity of the beans. It was found that differential of plant height growth was changed to a greater degree in ‘Windsorsky’ variety (+9,3 cm for every 10 cm) in case of row width narrowing from 60 to 20 cm. ‘Windsorsky’ variety had the largest number of beans and the highest seed weight per plant – 8.9 beans and 14.44 g respectively. Seeds of ‘Karestino’ variety were large, their weight per plant made up 10.56 g, the number of beans totaled to 6.6. Conclusions. The maximum influence of feeding area on a height of plants was found in the phase of technical maturity of beans. The largest increase in plant height for every 10 cm of row spacing was observed in ‘Karadag’ and ‘Windsorski’ varieties. The number of beans also is depended on feeding area. With its reducing, the number of beans and their weight per plant was also reduced in all variants. The largest number of beans and the highest seed weight per plant were in variants with feeding area of 1200 cm2 (row width was 60 cm).
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