Agreements in the field of intellectual property. Concept, types and characteristics of the license agreement
license, agreement, intellectual property, variety, licensor, licensee.Abstract
Purpose. To analyze the types of license agreements and their difference from other civil agreements, and requirements for the execution and termination of a license agreement. Results. It was revealed that the current legislation provides an inexhaustible list of the types of transactions with respect to disposition of intellectual property rights. The group of agreements on disposition of intellectual property rights includes the intellectual property license. The legislation provides for three types of license agreements under the terms of the exclusive, non-exclusive and single license. The result of a license agreement is to provide the intellectual property rights for temporary use without losing the copyright holder of this object. Conclusions. Proper execution of license agreements between licensor and licensee promotes protection of rights of each of the parties to such agreements. Licensee will have a legitimate reasons to use the variety, the licensee may receive compensation for granting the right to use the variety.
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