Seed productivity of Trigonella species


  • І. М. Бобось National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Ukraine



blue meliot, fenugreek, sowing periods, green mass, bean, seed productivity


The article unveils the seed potential of fenugreek species to provide routine supply of methi leaf in the conditions of Ukrainian Forest-Steppe. The fenugreek species have have a wide range of morphological and economical characteristics variability that affect their seed production. A high productivity of dry seeds is inherent to fenugreek species at early spring sowing (10.04), as for this date the yield of dry seeds of blue fenugreek amounted to 0.4 t per ha, that of fenugreek hay – 2.0 t / ha, with mass of 1000 seeds, respectively, 0.71 and 9.7 gr. To obtain a spicery called «mushroom grass» the use of fenugreek hay is considered as a promising direction (Greek hay, Shambhala, hay fenugreek) along with scheduling the sowing for early spring (4.10) and late spring (25.04–15.05) , which would enable the development of greatest herbage volume and higher yield of mature seed (0.9–2.0 t / ha). Another prospective line of development is to use blue fenugreek (fenugreek blue) as a green manure and nectar bearing crop, with the sowing scheduled for spring (4.10) and late spring (25.04–15.05).


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Author Biography

І. М. Бобось, National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine

I. Bobos


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How to Cite

Бобось, І. М. (2013). Seed productivity of Trigonella species. Plant Varieties Studying and Protection, (2(19), 66–68.

