Updating methodological and source database of binominal denominations of introduced cultivars with elements of extrapolation
назви рослин, ботанічна номенклатура, бінарна (біномінальна) класифікація, культивар, Міжнародний кодекс номенклатури для водоростей, грибів та рослин (ICN), торговельна марка, систематика рослин, екстраполяціяAbstract
The article discloses the meaning of botanical semantics, highlights practical appliance of binary scientific botanic nomenclature during plant varieties identification. It is the binary nomenclature of introduced cultivars that requires a scientific approach to structuring and developing the methodological and source learning database of botanical names in Ukrainian and Latin. According to the results of analytic monitoring, research aspects of differentiation of systematic units are shown, as well as certain rules and recommendations concerning theoretically sustained names of botanical taxa in Ukrainian and Latin. The scientific search for harmonization will enable to improve the practical appliance of methodological and linguistic and orthographic requirements and rules of spelling for botanical taxa names during the registration of rights on them. Spelling harmonization by Linnaeus semantic (in Latin) will facilitate a uniform approach to updating methodological and source studying database of binary names of the introduced cultivars of botanical taxa.Downloads
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