Auxin activity of piсloram in callusogensis- and morphogenesis of apple (Malus do- mestica borkh.) anthers.
пильники яблуні, ауксинова активність, піклорам, калюсні тканини.Abstract
Callusogensis and morphogenesis of anthers of apple scab resistant varieties have been studied, with picloram applied. Auxin activity of this preparation has been revealed as in the darkness so in the light. The callusogenesis efficiency of studied varieties varied from 26,0 to 83,3% subject to the concentration of picloram in the darkness and from 11,3 to 74,9% in the conditions of low light. We consider 4 mg/l in the medium to be an optimal level of piloram concentration so far as this concentration provides the best callusogenesis indices of the tested apple varieties. The callus formed in the darkness in the medium with picloram is knobby and dense of white or milky color. The callus formed in the light is intensively green or greenishwhite, denser, with distinctly outlined meristem hearths. Morphological characters of calluses obtained in the medium of picloram are stable over years. The roots of Yubiley Moskvy variety have been induced under auxin:cytokinin ratio 1 : 2 (picloram : BAP, cytokinin). The roots of Svezhest cultivar were obtained under auxin : cytokinin ratio 3:9 (picloram : BAP, kinetin). Formation of four buds was recored in Orlovskoye polesie variety under auxin : cytokinin ratio 1:20.Downloads
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