Scrutinizing morpho-agrobiological properties of soft winter wheat new varieties (Triticum aestivum L.)
пшениця м’яка, сорт, продуктивність, адаптивні властивості, високоінтенсивні, пластичні сорти, групи стиглості.Abstract
The research of morho-agrobiological, yield related, adaptive properties and flexibility of soft winter wheat new varieties as listed in the State Register of Varieties in 2011-2012 has been completed. Types of requirements to the conditions of production, intensity level have been established, classification by plant height and maturity group completed. Among the recently listed varieties highly intensive and intensive varieties prevail, while there is a lack of flexible varieties that narrows the varietal diversity, atrophy of the ecological flexibility and adaptivity, as well as does not facilitate yield stability over the years. The highest productivity potential has been established The research of morhogrobiological, yield related, adaptive properties and flexibility of soft winter wheat new varieties as listed in the State Register of Varieties in 2011-2012 has been completed. Types of requirements to the conditions of production, intensity level have been established, classification by plant height and maturity group completed. Among the recently listed varieties highly intensive and intensive varieties prevail, while there is a lack of flexible varieties that narrows the varietal diversity, atrophy of the ecological flexibility and adaptivity, as well as does not facilitate yield stability over the years. The highest productivity potential has been establishedDownloads
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