Summarizing 60 years of apple breeding effort (Malus domestica Borkh)
яблуня, селекція, сорти, аскорбінова кислота, Р-активні речовини, імунність проти парші, триплоїдні сорти.Abstract
The paper highlights results of 60 years of apple breeding activity at the All-Russian Research Institute for Fruit Crop Breeding of RAAS (former Orel Zonal Fruit-Berry Experimental Station). Major selection effort has been applied to apple breeding for higher contents of ascorbic acid and P-active substances in fruit. A pattern of the inheritance of biologically active substances in apple fruits is shown. First time in Russia a large-scale selection has taken place for the purpose of developing domestic scab immune apple varieties (Vf ). 20 scab immune varieties have been created and included into the State Register. First time in Russia and in the world a range of triploid apple varieties have been developed through directed diverse chromosome crossings 2x x 4x and 4x x 2x.Downloads
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