The need of Liversity of gaeden plants genotypes enrichment in Ukraine
антропоадаптивність, глобалізація, плодоягідне виробництво, сорт, уніфікація, ювенільний період.Abstract
The main reasons hindering expansion of assortment of horticultural crops and negatively affecting the provision of Ukraine’s population with horticultural production were discussed. The trend towards global unification of genotypes with parallel reduction of potential to andropoadaptability of chief horticultural crops is recognized as one of the main causes for instability in domestic horticulture crops production. Appropriate measures are proposed, including intensification of zonal specialization and intensification of the state protectionism over both domestic fruit farming and research developments, first of all in breeding and genetics, aimed at the ability to meet various requirements of producers, processors and consumers of fruits and berries to new cultivars.Downloads
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