Grounding stability of morphological characteristics expression and some biological peculiarities for Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L.) in qualifying examination of distinctness, uniformity and stability
сорго звичайне (двокольорове), адаптивні властивості, гібриди, сорти, морфологічні ознаки, експертиза, успадкування, мінливість, ідентифікація, генотипи, абіотичні чинникиAbstract
The article offers results of research and biological peculiarities of varieties (hybrids) of sorghum vulgaris bicolor , their agro-economical value, heredity, stability and variability under the impact of environmental factors, as well as options for their use in distinguishing, describing and identifying genotypes in the course of qualifying examination of distinctness, uniformity and stability of varieties (hybrids).Downloads
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