Improvement of Diagnostics of Winter Wheat Varieties Resistance to Abiotic Environment Factors
сорт, дослідження, діагностика, стійкість рослин, пшениця, фактори абіотичні, експертиза кваліфікаційна, урожайність, властивості адаптивні, реєстрація сортівAbstract
Expediency explanation is provided for foundation in the Ukrainian Institute for Plant Variety Examination of Winter Wheat Varieties Resistance to Abiotic Environment Factors Diagnostics Laboratory, as well as for examination of varieties on their suitability for dissemination to provide new approaches and techniques of plant varieties resistance diagnostics; for systematic, indepth and comprehensive studying of the most important adaptive features of plant varieties, which to take into account when registering varieties, national varietal resources formation and seed production organization.Downloads
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