Bread winter wheat breeding (Triticum aestivum L.) using spring varieties genepool in forest-steppe Environments of Ukraine
пшениця озима і яра, сортозразки, гібриди, продуктивність, зимостійкість, якість зерна, формотворчий процесAbstract
It is concluded by investigations that wheat crossing of various development types between themselves cause increase of formbuilding process in hybrid progeny, promoting the selection of practically valuable recombinats. The genotypes which present the practical valuable by complex of adaptive traits and properties have been selected by phenotype stability in the breeding process. The new bread winter wheat variety Pamyati Remesla developed with participation of spring wheat variety Hja 22139 (Finland) has been proposed for including it into the Register of Plant varieties of Ukraine adapted for use in Steppe, Forest- Steppe and Woodland of Ukraine since 2010.Downloads
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