Pomological and biochemical peculiarities of cherry-plum varieties fruits (Prunus cerasifera Ehrh.), belonged to different subspecies of family Prunus L.
P. cerasifera subsp. macrocarpa [var. pontica (Koval.) Erem. et Garcov.], P. cerasifera subsp. macrocarpa [var. taurica (Kost.) Erem. et Garcov.], алича гібридна, хімічний склад плодів, леткі сполуки плодівAbstract
The pomological characteristic of three cherry-plum varieties belonged to different subspecies has been given. The prevailing aromatic components and general chemical content of their fruits have been analyzed. The peculiarities of accumulation of essential compounds in tissue with high anthocyanin content (‘Krasnomyasaya’) in comparison with varieties with yellow flesh (‘Nikitskaya Yellow’ and ‘Lyusha Yellow’) have been shown.Downloads
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