Morphology of a crone, flowering and fructification of trees grades of an column apple-tree of the Ukrainian selection.
сорт, яблуня колоноподібна, параметри біометричні, плодові утворення, цвітіння, врожайність, маса плоду, якості органолептичні.Abstract
Results of studying of biometric parametres of trees grades of an column apple-tree of the Ukrainian selection and feature of placing of fruit formations on a trunk are presented. It is proved that flowering column passes apple-trees in a zone of the Right bank of the Western Forest-steppe in the same terms, as at an apple-tree ordinary and is intensive, amicable, simultaneous. Grouping of grades on weight of fruits is presented. The characteristic organoleptic qualities of fruits is given. The grade with the best flavouring and commodity qualities is allocated.Downloads
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