Complex prospective evaluation of “Romantica” roses introduction under the conditions of the Right-Bank Forest-Steppe Zone of Ukraine
garden roses, introduction, adaptation, ornamental qualities, perspectiveAbstract
Purpose. Theoretical and experimental substantiation of introduction of “Romantica” roses originated by Meilland company under the conditions of the Right-Bank Forest-Steppe Zone of Ukraine. Methods. Biometrical, comparative-morphological, statistic ones. Results. Viability, growth and development indices as well as ornamental qualities (tolerance for winter conditions, frost hardiness, drought resistance, complex disease and pest resistance, habit maintenance, shoot formation, flowering, coloration, shape of flowers, petal number etc.) were analyzed for 12 rose cultivars of “Romantica” series planted on the collection and exhibition plots of the National Dendrological Park «Sofiivka» NAS of Ukraine. The investigations were conducted within 2012–2015. The most of the cultivars got the mark of introduction success 41–45 points of 50; so, the cultivars are totally promising for introduction into the conditions of the Right-Bank Forest-Steppe Zone of Ukraine. ‘Leonardo da Vinci’ and ‘Yves Piaget’ cultivars got point number 35–38 and they can be considered promising ones. The acclimatization number for the most of the investigated cultivars was 85–90 points of 100 that means good adaptation of the plants in the conditions of the Right-Bank Forest-Steppe Zone of Ukraine. The adaptation of cv. ‘Leonardo da Vinci’ and cv. ‘Yves Piaget’ roses (point number 75) can be considered satisfactory. The total evaluation of “Romantica” roses ornamental qualities made 76–87 points of 100; so, all the cultivars display high ornamental qualities and deserve to be introduced to the production. Conclusions. The garden roses of “Romantica” series originated by Meilland company being introduced into the conditions of the Right-Bank Forest-Steppe Zone of Ukraine are adapted well in the introduction region and they are promising for the subsequent introduction.
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