Table grape of Ukraine – varietal resources, pers­pectives of production and consumption


  • В. В. Власов ННЦ «Інститут виноградарства і виноробства імені В. Є. Таїрова», Ukraine
  • Н. А. Мулюкіна ННЦ «Інститут виноградарства і виноробства імені В. Є. Таїрова», Ukraine
  • І. А. Ковальова National Scientific Center “Tairov Institute of Viticulture and Wine-Making”, Ukraine
  • Л. В. Герус National Scientific Center “Tairov Institute of Viticulture and Wine-Making”, Ukraine



grapes, table variety, adaptability, conveyor of table varieties, genetically determined properties, stability


Purpose. To enrich and improve the range of table grape varieties of Ukraine. Methods. Breeding, hybridological, mathematic, visual ones. Results. Modern Ukrainian gene pool of table grape varieties has been created on the base of the best introduced and homegrown cultivars and selections. New genotypes that are creating at the National Scientific Centre “Institute of Viticulture and Wine-Making named after V. Ye. Tairov” under the breeding program “Resistense plus Quality” are the basis of current and future regional assortments for the south and central areas of the steppe zone of Ukraine. The complexity of the origine explains the genetically determined high-level manifestation of commercially valuable characters. New varieties and selections are ecologically safe for humans and the environment, as the level of their resistance to the group of fungal main diseases is not less than 6.5 points according to the 9-point scale, therefore they do not require a large pesticide load. New promising table varieties demonstrate a stable yield and high marketability of grapes – 5–10 kg per plant with the marketability nearly 80–87% during the last five years. In addition, dense flesh of grapes is a guarantee of high transportability. The variety of table genotypes taste, shape and berries ripening from very early to very late embodied in the innovative and highly profitable development “Conveyor of table grapes”. Depending on the ecological and geographical conditions, the conveyor can include a diffe­rent quantity of varieties, but to in order increase the efficiency and profitability it is necessary to have a few groups (from 2 to 4 varietes) of different ripening. The approximate ratio (%) of varieties of different ripening time is recommended: very early – 22%, early – 22%, average – 17%, mid-late – 17%, and late – 22%. Conclusions. The variation of shape, flavour and color of new promising genotypes of table grapes makes them very popular on the market and may satisfy the most demanding consumer. The stability of the adaptive and technological traits makes the new table varieties very attractive for the producers of grape products.


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Author Biographies

В. В. Власов, ННЦ «Інститут виноградарства і виноробства імені В. Є. Таїрова»

V. V. Vlasov

Н. А. Мулюкіна, ННЦ «Інститут виноградарства і виноробства імені В. Є. Таїрова»

N. A. Mulyukina

І. А. Ковальова, National Scientific Center “Tairov Institute of Viticulture and Wine-Making”

I. A. Kovalоva

Л. В. Герус, National Scientific Center “Tairov Institute of Viticulture and Wine-Making”

L. V. Gerus


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How to Cite

Власов, В. В., Мулюкіна, Н. А., Ковальова, І. А., & Герус, Л. В. (2016). Table grape of Ukraine – varietal resources, pers­pectives of production and consumption. Plant Varieties Studying and Protection, (1(30), 96–100.

