Inheritance of quantitative characteristics of new donors of short- stem winter rye (Secale cereale L.)


  • В. В. Скорик Nosivskiy Breeding and Experimental Station, Institute of Agricultural Microbiology and Agriculture, Ukraine
  • О. І. Буняк Nosivka Breeding Research Facility of NAAS Agricultural Microbiology and Agrarian Business Institute, Ukraine



жито озиме, ное донори, домінантна короткостеблість, кількісні ознаки жита, генетична зумовле ність короткостеблості


It is definited the coefficients of quantitative signs’ inheritance for new donors of dominant stem shortness in winter rye. It is proved the genetic conditionality of plant height’s display for three new donors, which s controlled by aditive genes mainly. It is definited the laws of display and inheritance of other utilitarian signs of new donors Gnom 1, Gnom 2 and Gnom 3. The study of genetic associations of paternal forms’ height with the descendants’ quantitative signs enables to define the strategy of selectional use of dominant stem shortness donors in winter rye.


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Author Biographies

В. В. Скорик, Nosivskiy Breeding and Experimental Station, Institute of Agricultural Microbiology and Agriculture

Skoryk V.

О. І. Буняк, Nosivka Breeding Research Facility of NAAS Agricultural Microbiology and Agrarian Business Institute

Buniak О.


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How to Cite

Скорик, В. В., & Буняк, О. І. (2008). Inheritance of quantitative characteristics of new donors of short- stem winter rye (Secale cereale L.). Plant Varieties Studying and Protection, (1(7), 29–35.

