Improvement of diseases resistance and productivity of winter wheat varieties and their post- registration studying
стійкість пшениці проти хвороб, імунологічна оцінка сортів, урожайність, продуктивність, патокомплекс, хімічний захист, післяреєстраційне сортовивчення.Abstract
Results of four-years assessment of approximately 90 winter wheat varieties at post- registration research on the background of crops chemical protection and in its absence at Biloczerkivska DSDS (forest- steppe zone) and Borodianska DSDS (subforest zone) are represented in this article. Methods of their immunological assessment and determination of potential productivity have been developed too. Authors are recommending to conduct immunological assessment of varieties on their natural background of diseases development and assess potential productivity in conditions of plants chemical protection as this is the element of crop growing technology.Downloads
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