Results of primary study of the remote hybrids of nectarine (Prunus persica L. Batsh var. Nucipersica (Suckow) Sc) and peach (Prunus persipa L. Batsh) with amygdalys ordinary (Amygdalus communis L.)
нектарін, мигдаль, персик, грибні хвороби, посухостійкість, ядра солодкого смаку, речовини органічніAbstract
Created in Nikitskyi botanical garden Remote hybrids of nectarine and peach with almond ordinary can be used in Breeding of nectarine and peach fok high resistauce to fundi, as wengs for creation of varieties of nectarine with high drought resistance, sweet seed kernels, high contents of organic substance, and other important Breeding characteristics. Late blossoming hybrid forms can be used in Breeding of almond fok late time of flowering and selfcompatibility.Downloads
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