Ecological and Geographical Selection of Winter Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) in Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan
азахстан - країна вирощування високоякісних пшениць, сорти пшениці озимої, екотипи сортів, урожайність сортів, якість зерна, прородно-кліматичні зони Казахстану - Центрально-азіатської країниAbstract
As a result of the lead long-term selection works wint involving a World' s collection and intertype and intertype hybridization with purposeful selection on economic-biological attributes highly productive • grades of a winter wheat, with stability to various kinds of illnesses and high technological qualities of grain have been allocated. The adapted grades of a winter wheat for a various environment of various zones of the countries of the Central Asia that allows to realize potential opportunities of grades in different environments of cultivation and by that to prevent losses of a crop from biotic and abiotic stresses that allows to stabilize productivity and adaptability of culture in a zon winter husbandry are created. The long-term field experiences lead by us and laboratory analyses on a level of productivity, qualities of grain and stability to stresses allows to conclude, that alongside with a genotype, stabilityenvironmental conditions render strong and significant influence on all complex of selection attributes.Downloads
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