New approaches in the organization of state registration of plant varieties and their rights for fruit, berry, nuciferous crops and vine
Колекційні розсадники, формальна та кваліфікаційна експертизи, рейтингова оцінка, ліцензійні угоди, роялті, майнове право, збереженість сортуAbstract
Organizing measures in the scope of Ukraine are given, that provide the procedure of the state registration and their rights for fruit, berry, nuciferous species and vine. The expediency of the state registration of fruit and berry crops is grounded as a whole in Ukraine on the basis of the experience of the leading world’s countries. Powers of the State Service on Right Protection for Plant Varieties, Ukrainian Institute of Pant Variety Examination and Applicant were determined in the procedure of the registration of plant varieties and their rights for fruit, berry, nuciferous crops and vine.Downloads
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