Characteristics of new varieties of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.)
tomato, breeding, variety, yield, drought resistance, heat resistance, marketability, fruit qualityAbstract
Purpose. To analyse biochemical and economic characters of new tomato varieties adapted to the conditions of the south of Ukraine.
Methods. Field study, laboratory testing, statistical analysis.
Results. Intraspecific hybridization method followed by individual selection was used to create such new tomato varieties as ‘Naddnіprianskyi 1’, ‘Inguletskyi’, ‘Kimmeriiets’, ‘Sarmat’, ‘Taim’, ‘Legin’, ‘Kumach’ adapted to the conditions of the south, which are characterized by high yielding (69,2–78,0 t/ha), fruit quality (content of soluble dry matter 5,65–5,92%), drought (7,2–8,1 points) and heat (70,4–88,2%) resistance. All varieties are of intensive type, they require advanced agricultural technology, irrigation.
Conclusions. New tomato varieties, namely ‘Naddnіprianskyi 1’, ‘Inguletskyi’, ‘Kimmeriiets’, ‘Sarmat’, ‘Taim’, ‘Legin’, ‘Kumach’ were entered in the State register of plant varieties suitable for dissemination in Ukraine. They are recommended for outdoor growing in the Steppe and Forest-Steppe zones of Ukraine.
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