Agronomic evaluation of Fusarium Head Blight (FHB) resistance in Italian durum wheat cultivars and screening of advanced lines MAS selected for FHB resistance
wheat, scab, Fusarium Head Blight (FHB), QTL, disease resistance, Fusarium graminearum, monosporous cultures, incidence, severity, FHB indexAbstract
To evaluate the resistance to FHB, in 2009 41 varieties of durum and bread wheat, mainly from Italy, were tested at the CIMMYT (International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center). In addition, to assess the effect of the Qfhs.ndsu-3BS QTL (one of the major QTL for FHB resistance, first identified in Chinese bread wheat cultivar ‘Sumai 3’, on the chromosome 3B), 125 advanced lines of durum wheat BC4F6 derived from crosses with initial bread wheat (68 with the ‘Sumai 3’ QTL and 57 without) were screened in the same artificial inoculation conditions. For both groups, plots were inoculated at flowering with a suspension of monosporic cultures of F. graminearum, keeping the humidity close to 100%, to favour disease development, by means of a misting system. Thirty days after inoculation, counts of spikelets infected by F. graminearum was carried out in 10 ears for each plot; the damage was expressed as the FHB index (incidence × severity/100, where severity = infected spikelets/total spikelets; incidence × 100 and infected ears/ears total × 100). In both cases, late flowering showed to be a key factor, able to limit the seriousness of the disease. Preliminary data concerning the effect of the Qfhs.ndsu-3BS QTL, didn’t highlight differences between the two groups of advanced lines.
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