Graphical analysis of adaptability of spring barley breeding lines in the Central Forest-Steppe zone of Ukraine
spring barley, breeding lines, varieties, yielding capacity, stability, AMMI, GGE biplotAbstract
Purpose. To define spring barley breeding lines with an optimal combination of yielding capacity and stability under different weather conditions in the Central Forest-Steppe zone of Ukraine.
Methods. Field studies, ANOVA, AMMI, GGE biplot analysis.
Results. Hydrothermal regime during interphase periods of spring barley vegetation under conditions of The V. M. Remeslo Myronivka Institute of Wheat of NAAS in 2012–2014 was characterized by significant variability, that facilitated detailed evaluation of the lines for productivity, stability, and resistance to abiotic and biotic factors. In the performance of an experiment, the highest average yielding capacity (5.87 t/ha) was noted in 2012, the lowest one (3.50 t/ha) was in 2013. As for these years, average yield of 4.63 t/ha was obtained in 2014. By applying AMMI and GGE biplot analysis, significant differences in response of the studied lines to variability of weather conditions was revealed. Using AMMI model, additive components of the main effects of the breeding lines and years of testing as well as multiplicative components of their interaction were characterized. GGE biplot genotypes ranking in relation to a hypothetical “ideal” genotype showed an absolute advantage of breeding line ‘Nutans 4540’ for yielding capacity and stability. In addition, breeding lines ‘Nutans 4241’ and ‘Nutans 4120’ were close to ideatype. Selected breeding lines were characterized by resistance and moderate resistance to leaf diseases and lodging.
Conclusions. Use of AMMI and GGE biplot analysis to evaluate breeding lines at the final stages of breeding process allows to describe them thoroughly and graphically as well as differentiate them not only for average yielding capacity but also for their interaction with changing conditions during the years of testing. Breeding lines ‘Nutans 4540’, ‘Nutans 4241’, and ‘Nutans 4120’ to be identified for the stability of yielding capacity display in combination with other agronomic characters were transferred to the State variety testing as new spring barley varieties ‘MIP Myrnyi’, ‘MIP Saliut’, and ‘MIP Sotnyk’ respectively.
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