The results of hexaploid triticale breeding for winter hardiness
multiline varieties, intraspecific hybridization, hexaploid triticale, frost and winter hardinessAbstract
Purpose. Analysis of the process of hexaploid triticale breeding for winter hardiness by intraspecific hybridization method using systemic ecological tests under contrasting conditions.
Methods. Dialectical investigation, field experiments, laboratory testing and statistical evaluation.
Results. The results of breeding winter and alternate triticale varieties possessing a complex of valuable traits by the method of intraspecific hybridization of forms of different types of development using systemic ecological tests under contrasting conditions (Forest-Steppe – extremely arid Steppe) and at low temperatures were presented. During the years of research (1980–2005), 18 varieties were developed and transferred to the state testing, 17 of them were registered.
Conclusions. Thus, the effective selection of highly productive genotypes with increased and high winter hardiness is possible from populations obtained by crossing hexaploid triticale of different types of development (winter triticale with spring and alternate ones) and contrasting level of frost and winter hardiness. During the period of 1980–2015, medium-tall and dwarf varieties of winter (‘Amfidyploid 256’, ‘Garne’, ‘Kharroza’, ‘Rarytet’, ‘Timofey’, etc.) and alternate (‘Nikanor’, ‘Yaroslava’, ‘Plastun Volynskyi’) triticales were developed. They are superior to the standard varieties of soft winter wheat for the critical temperature of freezing by -0.5...- 2.0 °C, characterized by increased (up to 9–12 t/ha) grain yield of various quality depending on the purpose of use.
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