Cowpea (Vigna Savi.) is a promising crop for Ukraine: importance, biological and ecological features and productive potential of plants




species of the genus Vigna, introduction, productivity, biomorphological features


Purpose. To carry out an analysis of domestic and foreign scientific literature sources, information resources and the results of previous studies, based on which to evaluate the biological and ecological features and productive potential of plants Vigna genus and to determine their prospects for introduction in Ukraine.

Methods. In the process of research, inventory information of NBG collection funds, catalogs of botanical gardens of Ukraine, directories, registers of varieties were used. Printed and electronic scientific periodicals and searchable scientific databases (Scopus, Web of Science, Pubmed, Researchgate, Research4Life, Science Direct, Google Scholar) were involved in the information search. The work used methods of introduction, analysis, systematization, comparison, and generalization of information data.

Results. In the course of the screening of literary sources, it was found that the center of origin of plants of the genus Vigna is considered to be West Africa. Archaeological finds of these representatives date back to the IV millennium BC. Today, their natural and cultigenic ranges cover the Holarctic, Paleotropical, Neotropical and Australian realms. The genus Vig­na includes 105 species of plants, of which about 10 species are known in culture today, which are characterized by high heat, drought, acid and salt resistance, capable of providing high productivity of above-ground phytomass (3500–4500 kg/ha of absolutely dry matter) and productivity seeds (over 2000 kg/ha). Due to its rich biochemical composition (accumulates proteins, starch, vitamins, micro- and macroelements), it is actively used as a food, medicinal, fodder crop both in its homeland and almost all over the world.

Conclusions. Thus, plants of species of the genus Vigna are promising potential crops of the 21st century. Their high adaptive capacity to biotic and abiotic factors of the environment, productive potential testifies to their prospects for introduction and acclimatization throughout the world, the selection of resistant genotypes capable of effectively resisting the challenges of modern climate changes and preventing a possible food crisis.


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How to Cite

Bondarchuk, O. P., Rakhmetov, D. B., Vergun, O. M., Rakhmetova, S. O., & Daudi, A. M. (2023). Cowpea (Vigna Savi.) is a promising crop for Ukraine: importance, biological and ecological features and productive potential of plants. Plant Varieties Studying and Protection, 19(1), 24–34.

