Evaluation of the adaptive properties of potato varieties (Solanum tuberosum L.) according to the main economic and valuable characteristics
potato, starch content, dry matter content, stability, plasticity, adaptabilityAbstract
Purpose. To carry out an analysis of the ecological plasticity and stability of the characteristics of productivity, starch content, dry matter and to determine the parameters of ecological adaptability of potato varieties based on the characteristic “yield” in the soil-climatic zones of the Forest-Steppe and Polissia.
Methods. The following methods were used in the research: laboratory, computational and statistical; to draw conclusions – analysis and synthesis.
Results. The results of the analysis of potato varieties grown in different soil and climatic zones of Ukraine in terms of yield, starch and dry matter content are given. Promising varieties for selection and practical use with high indicators of adaptability, stability and plasticity were identified. It was found that the highest productivity results were obtained for the variety ‘RANOMI’ in the Forest-Steppe and Polissia zones – 34.6; 28.2 t/ha and high adaptability potential – 1.28; 1.27. The varieties ‘RANOMI’, ‘Cherie’ performed best in the Forest-Steppe zone with yields of 34.6 and 31.4 t/ha, in Polissia conditions – the varieties ‘RANOMI’, ‘PARADISO’ – 28.2 and 27.4 t/ha. The varieties with high plasticity were distinguished by starch and dry matter content (‘7 FOUR 7’, ‘PARADISO’, ‘FONTANE’, ‘RANOMI’, ‘LAUDINE’), productivity (‘7 FOUR 7’, ‘Rodriga’, ‘ALOUETTE’, ‘PARADISO’, ‘LAUDINE’). The varieties ‘Mysteriia’, ‘7 FOUR 7’, ‘LAUDINE’, ‘FONTANE’ and ‘LAUDINE’ proved to be very stable in terms of productivity and the varieties ‘Mysteriia’, ‘7 FOUR 7’, ‘Rodriga’, ‘PARADISO’, ‘RANOMI’ in terms of dry matter and starch content. The varieties with the highest productivity were ‘Rodriga’, ‘PARADISO’, and for dry matter and starch content – ‘FONTANE’, ‘LAUDINE’.
Conclusions. In different soil and climatic zones, highly plastic varieties were selected according to yield index – ‘7 FOUR 7’, ‘Rodriga’, ‘ALOUETTE’, ‘PARADISO’, ‘LAUDINE’, according to starch and dry matter content – varieties ‘7 FOR 7’, ‘PARADISO’, ‘FONTANE’, ‘RANOMI’, ‘LAUDINE’. It was found that on average for 2019–2020 the highest productivity and high adaptive potential in the Forest-Steppe and Polissia zones had the variety ‘RANOMI’ – 34.6; 28.2 t/ha, respectively, CA – 1.28; 1.27. In the Forest-Steppe zone it is worth mentioning the varieties ‘Cherie’, ‘Rodriga’ with average CA index 1.15; 1.12 and productivity – 31.4; 30.62 t/ha, in the Polissia zone – ‘PARADISO’, ‘Rodriga’ with CA value – 1.20; 1.11 and productivity – 27.4; 25.5 t/ha.
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