Screening of promising potato hybrids by drought tolerance indices




potato, breeding samples, indices, yield, drought, sources of drought resistance


Purpose. To evaluate promising potato hybrids for productivity and resistance to drought under water deficit conditions and to identify genotypes with a high level of adapta­bility to abiotic environmental factors.

Methods. During 2021–2022, 57 potato genotypes of different ripeness groups were studied in the fields of breeding crop rotation of the breeding laboratory of the Polissia Research Department of the Institute for Potato Research NAAS of Ukraine. Genera­l­ly accepted methods of selective statistical analysis were used.

Results. The research results revealed that in a dry year, the average potato yield loss for all maturity groups was 15.3 t/ha or 66 % compared to the indicators of a wet year. A high total percentage of drought-resistant and moderately drought-resistant hybrids was distinguished in the mid-season group. In total 16 breeding samples out of 54 studied ones under the condition of sufficient moisture produced the highest yield (in the range of 24.4–35.9 t/ha). During dry periods, 21 samples had high productivity (7.8–19.2 t/ha). The following hybrids showed an advantage over the average (Ŷ) for 8–9 evaluated drought tolerance indices: ‘P.15.56-10’, ‘P.17.21/43’, P.19.53/6’, ‘P.17.30-3’, ‘P.17.1-4’, ‘P.18.51/3’, ‘P.17.19-21’, ‘P.17.18/9’, ‘P.17.4/13’ ‘P.17.43/1’, P.17.44-1’, ‘P.17.38/16’, ‘P.17.8-28’, ‘P.17.13/7’ and ‘P.17.38-56’.

Conclusions. According to the results of the research, hybrids with high productivity and response to stress were identified. Thus, 5 samples formed high productivity under optimal conditions and were resistant to drought; 5 samples were flexi­b­le hybrids; 8 hybrids were demanding to moisture supply during the process of crop formation. The sources of drought resistance were 5 hybrids out of 54 studied ones. An average positive correlation (r = 0.528) between yields under diffe­rent moisture conditions was established.



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How to Cite

Pysarenko, N. V., Sydorchuk, V. I., Zakharchuk, N. A., & Hordiienko, V. V. (2023). Screening of promising potato hybrids by drought tolerance indices. Plant Varieties Studying and Protection, 19(1), 35–43.

